Tidak heran jika banyak user yang kecewa dengan pelayanan hosting di server UGM. Beberapa alasan yang sering mereka sebutkan adalah kurang proffesionalnya pelayanan dari pengelola Hosting tersebut, kemudian akses dari jaringan Luar UGM khususnya sangat lambat. Selain itu masih banyak keluhan lain, seperti sering down/mati tanpa kabar atau penjelasan yang memuaskan dari pihak pengelola. Selain hal diatas, problem yang memper-parah adalah status Block IP Network UGM menggunakan Blok IP dari Telkom yang menggunakan ASN Number 17974. Block IP Network pada ASN ini sering kali di blacklist di beberapa ISP International karena dari Blok IP Network tersebut sering muncul spam. Seperti yang bisa kita lihat dari informasi dari UceProtect berikut ini ketika membuka url berikut http://www.uceprotect.net/en/rblcheck.php?ipr=
Your IP is part of AS
17974 TELKOMNET-AS2-AP PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
and the Networks
Reverse DNS (PTR) exists and claimes to be: mx3.ugm.ac.id
Forward DNS for mx3.ugm.ac.id is:
DNS ist consistent.
IP Status Listingrisk Optional Expressdelisting
Networks this IP belongs to
Networks Status Level 1 listed spammers
within the last 7 daysEscalation to Level 2
by Level 1 recordsOptional Expressdelisting
TO PREVENT NEW LISTINGS222.124.0.0/16 High Listingrisk 227 275 not available Increased Listingrisk 3 5 not available UCEPROTECT-Level3
Reputation of ASN 17974 | TELKOMNET-AS2-AP PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia
AS Status Provider has
total IP’sLevel 1 listed spammers
within the last 7 daysEscalation to Level 3
by Level 1 recordsOptional Expressdelisting
TO PREVENT NEW LISTINGS17974 LISTED 592896 1552 (0.262 %) 1186
What means listed at UCEPROTECT-Level 3? GAME OVER. We and our users have seen enough spam and heared all possible excusions why somelazy providers think to be not responsible for what their customers are doing. We are not just another blacklist. We really know better. Spam is always a problem tolerated by the provider. We have very bad news for you: It seems you have chosen the wrong provider. Your IP was NOT part of a spamrun, but your provider seems to believe that spamis what the internet was made for. By tolerating your provider doesn't care about spammers you are also supporting the global spam. If all people would boycott spammerhaevens, spam-friendly providers wouldn't even exist. Please send a compliant to your provider and request him to fix this problem immediatly. Think about this: You pay him for, that you can use the internet without problems. If he ignores your complaint or claims he can't do anything, you should consider to change your provider. Don't accept to be fooled. If your provider really wants to stop spam he would install preventive measures. This 4 little steps would make the difference - and they can be done in less than one hour. Can't you make an exception for me? We never make exceptions. Requests are futile. Only your provider can fix this problem. How can my providers total ip-space be removed from UCEPROTECT-Level 3? After your provider has fixed his problems, the UCEPROTECT-Level 3 listing will be removed automaticallyand free of charge as soon as the causal Level 1 listings will expire.Every IP listed at Level 1 expires 7 days after we have seen the last abusive action coming from it. If your provider don't want to wait for free expiration, he can optionally do Expressdelisting,which is charged a total of 250 EURO. That is a huge discount compared to our charges for Level 2 or even Level 1 expressdelistings. It is necessary that problems are fixed in first place, otherwise your providers complete IP-spacemight end up in Level 3 again within a short timeframe.
Hal inilah yang ternyata beberapa waktu lalu, email dari seluruh server UGM yang menggunakan Blok IP (termasuk mail server @ugm.ac.id dan server-server saya di TE dan MTI), tidak dapat mengirimkan email ke user @yahoo.com karena memang di blacklist oleh server-server yahoo.
Contoh pesan email saat itu seperti ini :
xxxxx[email protected]
SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
host f.mx.mail.yahoo.com []: 553 Mail from not allowed - 5.7.1 [21]
Connections not accepted from IP addresses on Spamhaus PBL; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/550571-2.html [550]
Setelah mengikuti petunjuk si yahoo seperti memberikan masukan termasuk melakukan testing ke berbagai situs spamhaus dan RBL, tidak ditemukan adanya server-server di UGM yang openrelay. Setelah mencari diberbagai situs agregator RBL, akhirnya menemukan http://www.blacklistalert.org/ . Dari sinilah ketahuan informasi bahwa Blok IP UGM (dan hampir semua Net Blok Telkom) di blacklist oleh UceProtect (sebuah perusahaan yang menyediakan informasi database IP spammer) .
Informasi yang menguatkan lagi adalah, bahwa yahoo ternyata menggunakan ketiga level UCEProtect tersebut. Berikut kutipan informasinya :
On their website yes they recommend of not using this level. But companies like Yahoo and others use all 3 levels. And level 3 blocking does not even take into consideration that the class B networks can be used by multiple ISPs and for us - regular small internet companies getting on such list is such a pain because even if we can finally get our ISPs work together to resolve issues - time has already gone. And of course they have a kind option of removing you only for a few hundred euros from their blacklist. ...dst...
Saya belum sempat menelusuri apakah ini ada hubungannya dengan Blok yang dilakukan oleh Akismet untuk beberapa Blogger yang hosting di web.ugm.ac.id seperti yang dialami oleh pemilik situs http://diary.satchdesign.com/?p=15 .
Beberapa user yang pindah rumah antara lain :
http://www.murti.web.ugm.ac.id/ http://jan.web.ugm.ac.id/blogku/posts/view/50 http://satrianto.web.ugm.ac.id/Saya sendiri juga telah pindah rumah sejak tahun lalu, tetapi masih menggunakan domain yang sama yakni http://josh.staff.ugm.ac.id. Saya menggunakan server sendiri untuk hosting. Selain Spacenya lebih besar, maintenance servernya saya kelola sendiri sehingga dapat dijamin uptimenya.
Mudah-mudahan dikemudian hari Hosting di server UGM dapat segera di benahi, jangan sampai user-usernya keburu pindah semua.
Mas kalau skrg server ugm gmana? udah bagus belum? Saya soalnya pake ugm jg..
wah, benarkh itu? tadinya saya mau hosting di UGM. Tapi belum sempat. karena sya ndak mudeng dengan cpanel nya..
saya juga ingin menanyakan hal yang ama dengan mbak karisma
terimakasih banyak…………